All data are in degrees Fahrenheit


Rizhao in June

Find out everything about the water temperature in Rizhao in June. Average, minimum and maximum recorded temperatures as well as daily temperature in June for the last two years. Compare the current month's sea temperature data with other months of the year.
Water temperature in June

63.8 °F


69.8 °F


75.1 °F

Sea water temperature in Rizhao in June

In the city of Rizhao, the month of June is somewhat comfortable for swimming. The minimum recorded temperature during this month was 63.8°F on June 1, 2021, with an average temperature being 69.8°F and a maximum temperature reaching 75.1°F on June 30, 2024.

While some may find it enjoyable for a brief swim, others might consider it a bit too cold for extended periods in the water. Throughout the month of June, the sea temperature gradually gets warmer. Starting with an average temperature of 66.7°F at the beginning of the month, it steadily increases to around 72.8°F by the end.
Date 10 years average 2024 2023
Jun 1 65.7°F 67.3°F 65.5°F
Jun 2 65.9°F 67.3°F 65.8°F
Jun 3 66.0°F 68.3°F 65.8°F
Jun 4 66.3°F 66.4°F 66.9°F
Jun 5 66.5°F 66.7°F 67.4°F
Jun 6 67.0°F 68.2°F 67.2°F
Jun 7 66.9°F 68.7°F 67.5°F
Jun 8 67.4°F 69.1°F 66.7°F
Jun 9 67.8°F 69.2°F 67.9°F
Jun 10 67.9°F 69.2°F 68.7°F
Jun 11 68.5°F 71.1°F 68.3°F
Jun 12 68.5°F 71.2°F 68.4°F
Jun 13 69.0°F 70.9°F 69.5°F
Jun 14 69.3°F 71.3°F 70.1°F
Jun 15 69.5°F 71.1°F 70.1°F
Jun 16 69.9°F 72.1°F 70.7°F
Jun 17 70.4°F 71.8°F 70.8°F
Jun 18 70.9°F 72.5°F 71.8°F
Jun 19 71.5°F 73.0°F 72.3°F
Jun 20 71.5°F 73.3°F 71.9°F
Jun 21 71.8°F 73.5°F 71.6°F
Jun 22 72.4°F 73.5°F 73.3°F
Jun 23 72.6°F 73.7°F 73.3°F
Jun 24 72.6°F 73.5°F 74.8°F
Jun 25 72.6°F 74.5°F 73.5°F
Jun 26 72.4°F 73.9°F 73.6°F
Jun 27 73.0°F 73.9°F 74.7°F
Jun 28 73.3°F 74.4°F 74.7°F
Jun 29 73.6°F 74.7°F 74.9°F
Jun 30 73.8°F 75.1°F 74.2°F

Sea water temperature in Rizhao by month

In Rizhao, the months July through September offer comfortable swimming conditions, which amounts to 101 swimming days. The warmest water in Rizhao was recorded on August 5, 2024, reaching a 85.1°F. While the coldest temperature occurred on January 31, 2016, dipping to 36.4°F. The average readings by season are 43.8°F in Winter, 51.7°F in Spring, 76.1°F in Summer, and 69.6°F in Autumn. The average temperature in June is slightly warmer than May's average of 60.4°F. And in July, the temperature is expected to rise further, potentially reaching an average of 77.4°F.

Popular neighboring cities and resorts

City Water temperature* Distance**
Lianyungang 44.8°F 59mi
Qingdao 42.7°F 66mi
Jiaozhou 43.5°F 66mi

* current water temperature in this city

** straight line distance from Rizhao