All data are in degrees Fahrenheit


Water temperature in Okurcalar

Detailed information about the current water temperature in Okurcalar. The trend over the last two weeks, daily averages, and precise forecast of the water temperature changes. Gain a deeper understanding of seasonal dynamics with monthly statistical analyses covering recent years.
Sea temperature in Okurcalar now



July 27, 07:14











Day Length:

14 h. 8 min.

Okurcalar in August







Sea water temperature in Okurcalar today

As of now, in Okurcalar, the water temperature is 85.7°F. Swimming in water of this temperature is considered highly warm and would be enjoyable for everyone. At this temperature, you can comfortably engage in water-based activities for extended periods without experiencing discomfort. Today's reading is 1.9°F higher than the average recorded on this particular day in recent years. The sea temperature remains approximately unchanged from yesterday. According to the forecast, we expect the temperature to stay about the same.

Recent sea temperature and forecast

Today's reading indicates a minor change compared to the average water temperature of the last two weeks, but the overall trend remains steady. It is also close to the historical maximum temperature for this date. The maximum temperature recorded for this date was 85.1°F on 2021, while the historical minimum was 82.7°F on 2014.

Observations from the last two weeks indicate that the water temperature was in proximity to the highest values recorded on those days in the past. The forecast for the upcoming week suggests a gradual increase. The average temperature is expected to rise up to 86.2°F, with minimum temperature starting at 85.8°F, while the maximum might reach 86.6°F.

Daily water temperature in Okurcalar

Date Current Year

actual* / forecast**

last year 10 years average
Jul 13 85.0°F 81.3°F 82.9°F
Jul 14 84.2°F 82.4°F 83.2°F
Jul 15 85.3°F 83.0°F 83.6°F
Jul 16 85.0°F 84.2°F 83.5°F
Jul 17 86.1°F 84.8°F 83.8°F
Jul 18 86.0°F 84.6°F 83.6°F
Jul 19 86.3°F 83.6°F 83.4°F
Jul 20 86.6°F 83.5°F 83.6°F
Jul 21 86.7°F 83.6°F 83.7°F
Jul 22 86.3°F 83.9°F 83.8°F
Jul 23 86.6°F 84.0°F 83.9°F
Jul 24 85.8°F 85.8°F 84.1°F
Jul 25 86.8°F 85.4°F 84.1°F
Jul 26 85.7°F 84.8°F 83.9°F
Jul 27 85.7°F 84.3°F 83.9°F
Jul 28 85.8°F 84.4°F 84.0°F
Jul 29 86.1°F 84.9°F 84.3°F
Jul 30 86.0°F 85.4°F 84.2°F
Jul 31 86.0°F 85.3°F 84.2°F
Aug 1 86.3°F 85.8°F 84.4°F
Aug 2 86.4°F 85.7°F 84.6°F
Aug 3 86.6°F 85.6°F 84.8°F

* actual - actual temperature values

** forecast - projected values for the next week

Real-time coastal temperatures could deviate by several degrees from the provided readings. These deviations often become evident following intense rainfall or strong winds.

Our forecasting methodology leverages a mathematical model, that uses current water and weather conditions, historical records, wind intensity and direction.

Sea water temperature in Okurcalar by month

In Okurcalar, the months June through November offer comfortable swimming conditions, which amounts to 171 swimming days.
The warmest water in Okurcalar was recorded on August 5, 2023, reaching a 86.9°F. While the coldest temperature occurred on April 1, 2022, dipping to 60.9°F. The average readings by season are 65.8°F in Winter, 66.4°F in Spring, 81.8°F in Summer, and 78.6°F in Autumn.

Popular neighboring cities and resorts

City Water temperature* Distance**
Türkler 86.2°F 7mi
Alanya 86.3°F 18mi
Mahmutlar 86.5°F 24mi
Gazipaşa 86.1°F 43mi
Kumköy 86.6°F 45mi
Muratpaşa 87.3°F 55mi

* current water temperature in this city

** straight line distance from Okurcalar